
This page contains a simple tutorial for aiida-qp2 plugin.

What we want to achieve

Initialize the wave function file

Create an EZFIO SinglefileData node from the existing StructureData instance using qp_create_ezfio dictionary:

# Load the required AiiDA modules
from aiida import orm, engine
from aiida.common.exceptions import NotExistent

# QP-related parameters
ezfio_basename = 'hcn.ezfio'
create_parameters = {
    'qp_create_ezfio': {
        'basis'  : '"6-31g"',      # QP-native basis set
        'charge' : '0',
        'output' : ezfio_basename

# AiiDA-related parameters

# Load the code
    code = orm.load_code('qp@localost')
    raise Exception(f'Create the qp2 code') from NotExistent

# Build the calculation
builder = code.get_builder()

# Replace <StructureData_name> with the name of your StructureData object
structure = load_node(pk=<StructureData_name>.pk)
builder.structure = structure
builder.parameters = orm.Dict(dict=create_parameters)
# EZFIO directory name (to be tar.gz-ed)
builder.metadata.options.output_wf_basename = ezfio_basename

# Run the calculation & parse the results
result = engine.run(builder)

# Print the name of the output wave function (EZFIO) file
print('EZFIO SinglefileData name   : ', result['output_wavefunction'].filename)

Note: it is possible to create a StructureData node from the XYZ atomic configuration file. For example, using the Molecule class of the pymatgen package:

from pymatgen.core import Molecule
mol = Molecule.from_file('hcn.xyz')
structure = orm.StructureData(pymatgen_molecule=mol)

Perform calculations

Use the previously created wave function file to run SCF (or any other type of QP-supported) calculation according to the qp_commands list:

# QP-related parameters
calc_parameters = {
    'qp_commands': [
        f'set_file {ezfio_basename}',
        'run scf'

# AiiDA-related parameters
builder_scf = code.get_builder()

builder_scf.parameters = orm.Dict(dict=calc_parameters)
builder_scf.wavefunction = result['output_wavefunction']
builder_scf.metadata.options.output_wf_basename = ezfio_basename

# Run the calculation & parse the results
result_scf = engine.run(builder_scf)

# Print the computed SCF energy
print('SCF energy (Hartree)        : ', result_scf['output_energy'])

The final result

You have created a wave function file using parameters provided in qp_create_ezfio dict. You have then computed the SCF energy with Quantum Package via the aiida-qp2 plugin using the qp_commands list. All input and output nodes have been stored in the data provenance and can be queried for.