Introduction to CHAMP

Table of Contents



The Cornell-Holland Ab-initio Materials Package (CHAMP) is a quantum Monte Carlo suite of programs for electronic structure calculations of atomic and molecular systems.

For the purpose of this workshop, we have installed CHAMP for you. You may skip directly to Section 2 for using CHAMP.

1.1 Requirements

  1. Cmake >= 3.20
  2. gfortran/gcc >= 9.3.0 or Intel Fortran 2020 onward / Intel OneAPI
  3. BLAS/LAPACK (OpenBLAS) or Intel MKL
  4. OpenMPI >= 3.0 or Intel MPI
  5. [Optional] TREXIO library >= 2.0.0

1.2 Installation of required libraries/packages

1.2.1 Install or load cmake

sudo apt-get install -y cmake


Download and extract the latest cmake for the pre-compiled binary

wget https://github.com/Kitware/CMake/releases/download/v3.24.0-rc1/cmake-3.24.0-rc1-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
tar -xzvf cmake-3.24.0-rc1-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
export PATH=cmake-3.24.0-rc1-linux-x86_64/bin:$PATH

1.2.2 Installation using Intel oneAPI compilers

  1. Installation without sudo access

    Download Intel oneAPI basekit and HPCkit for free from

    wget https://registrationcenter-download.intel.com/akdlm/irc_nas/18673/l_BaseKit_p_2022.2.0.262.sh
    chmod a+x ./l_BaseKit_p_2022.2.0.262.sh
    sh ./l_BaseKit_p_2022.2.0.262.sh
    wget https://registrationcenter-download.intel.com/akdlm/irc_nas/18679/l_HPCKit_p_2022.2.0.191.sh
    chmod a+x ./l_HPCKit_p_2022.2.0.191.sh
    sh ./l_HPCKit_p_2022.2.0.191.sh

    After installation export the path to your ~/.bashrc.

  2. Prerequisites for Intel oneAPI with sudo access
    wget https://apt.repos.intel.com/intel-gpg-keys/GPG-PUB-KEY-INTEL-SW-PRODUCTS.PUB
    sudo apt-key add GPG-PUB-KEY-INTEL-SW-PRODUCTS.PUB
    sudo add-apt-repository "deb https://apt.repos.intel.com/oneapi all main"
    sudo apt-get update
  3. Install the components
    sudo apt-get install -y intel-oneapi-common-vars
    sudo apt-get install -y intel-oneapi-compiler-fortran-2021.3.0
    sudo apt-get install -y intel-oneapi-mkl-2021.3.0
    sudo apt-get install -y intel-oneapi-mkl-devel-2021.3.0
    sudo apt-get install -y intel-oneapi-mpi-2021.3.0
    sudo apt-get install -y intel-oneapi-mpi-devel-2021.3.0
  4. Compile script for CHAMP using Intel libraries
    cmake -S. -Bbuild -DCMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER=mpiifort -DBLAS_LIBRARIES="-qmkl=parallel"
    cmake --build build -j 8

1.2.3 Installation using GNU Compiler

  • Make sure that the installed version of Cmake is higher than 3.20
  • Make sure that the installed version of gfortran/mpif90 is higher than 9.3.0
  1. Install or load compilers
    sudo apt install -y gfortran
    sudo apt-get install -y gcc
    sudo apt install -y openmpi-bin
    sudo apt install -y libopenmpi-dev
  2. Install or load BLAS/LAPACK
    sudo apt install -y libblacs-mpi-dev
    sudo apt install -y liblapack-dev
  3. Compile script for CHAMP

    Get the stable version of CHAMP v.2.1.1

    Make sure that the BLAS installation is proper. Otherwise, the code might give erroneous results at runtime.

    cmake -H. -B build -DCMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER=/usr/bin/mpif90 -DBLA_VENDOR=OpenBLAS
    cmake --build build

2 Setup of input files

The tutorial folder is located at: /lustre/home/filippi/Tutorial-QMC-School

There are several example folders inside

  1. example01_H2O_HF
  2. example02_H2O_DFT
  3. example03_H2O_HF_optjas2body
  4. example04_H2O_HF_dmc2body_tau0.05
  5. example05_H2O_HF_dmc2body_tau0.02
  6. example06_H2O_DFT_optjas2body
  7. example07_H2O_DFT_dmc2body_tau0.05
  8. example08_H2O_DFT_dmc2body_tau0.02
  9. example09_H2O_DFT_dmc2body_optall_tau0.02
  10. example09_H2O_DFT_dmc2body_optall_tau0.05
  11. example09_H2O_DFT_optall
  12. example10_COH2_ground_state
  13. example11_COH2_excited_state

Each example directory will contain a setup folder, where you can generate the necessary input files for CHAMP from a single TREXIO file (in HDF5 format)

The scripts for conversion are also included in the folder.

  • Example 01: H20 with HF molecular orbitals
cd 01_champ_tools/example01_H2O_HF/setup

Check the contents of the conversion script

python3 /lustre/home/filippi/Tutorial-QMC-School/trex2champ.py \
                       --trex   "trexio_H2O_HF.hdf5" \
                       --motype         "RHF" \
                       --backend        "HDF5" \
                       --basis_prefix  "BFD-aug-cc-pVDZ" \
                       --lcao \
                       --geom \
                       --basis \
                       --ecp \

Execute this script to generate the files:


Move or copy the following files into the pool folder

ls 01_champ_tools/example01_H2O_HF/pool

The remaining files should be kept in the 01_champ_tools/example01_H2O_HF directory.

ls 01_champ_tools/example01_H2O_HF/

The input file vmc_h2o_hf.inp looks like:

%module general
    title           'H2O HF calculation'
    pool            './pool/'
    pseudopot       ECP
    basis           BFD-aug-cc-pVDZ
    mode            vmc

load molecule        $pool/champ_v2_trexio_H2O_HF_geom.xyz

load basis_num_info  $pool/champ_v2_trexio_H2O_HF_with_g.bfinfo
load orbitals        champ_v2_trexio_H2O_HF_orbitals.lcao
load determinants    champ_v2_trexio_H2O_HF_determinants.det
load jastrow         jastrow.start

%module electrons
    nup           4
    nelec         8

%module blocking_vmc
    vmc_nstep     20
    vmc_nblk      100000
    vmc_nblkeq    1
    vmc_nconf_new 0

The included jastrow file is

jastrow_parameter   1
  0  1  0           norda,nordb,nordc
   0.60000000   0.00000000     scalek,a21
   0.00000000   0.00000000   (a(iparmj),iparmj=1,nparma)
   0.00000000   0.00000000   (a(iparmj),iparmj=1,nparma)
   0.00000000   1.00000000   (b(iparmj),iparmj=1,nparmb)

Author: Ravindra Shinde, Claudia Filippi

Created: 2022-06-20 Mon 23:33
