DFT calculation
Create the EZFIO directory with the geometry, basis and pseudopotential parameters:
qp create_ezfio --pseudo=PSEUDO --basis=BASIS h2o.xyz --output=h2o_dft
Specify that you want to use the PBE functional.
qp set dft_keywords exchange_functional pbe
qp set dft_keywords correlation_functional pbe
The default DFT grid is very fine. We can specify we want a coarser grid to accelerate the calculations:
qp set becke_numerical_grid grid_type_sgn 1
Run the Kohn-Sham calculation
qp run ks_scf | tee h2o_dft.out
Export the wave function into TREXIO format
qp set trexio trexio_file h2o_dft.trexio
qp run export_trexio