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Installation on Fugaku ( Riken Supercomputer

Here are a couple of recipes for commonly used computing facilities, which can be easily adapted.

To compile the code, first load the required modules:

. /vol0004/apps/oss/spack/share/spack/
spack load cmake@3.24.3%fj@4.8.1/p5qsrqc
spack load fujitsu-mpi@head%fj@4.8.1
spack load hdf5@1.12.2%fj@4.8.1/tpglq6h
spack load fujitsu-ssl2@head%fj@4.8.1/nndozbk

then set-up the build:

export MPIFC='mpifrt'    # Fujitsu Fortran compiler
export MPICC='mpifcc'    # Fujitsu C compiler


and finally build:

cmake --build build -j --clean-first

To run the code, you need to submit a job to the queue system:


where is a SLURM job script. Here are some sample scripts:

Sample VMC job script

#PJM -L node=1
#PJM -L rscgrp=small-s5
#PJM -L elapse=00:20:00
#PJM -g hp230349

. /vol0004/apps/oss/spack/share/spack/

module load fujitsu-mpi/head-fj-4.8.1-gncxc6a
module load fujitsu-ssl2/head-fj-4.8.1-r3hdjbl
module load hdf5/1.12.2-fj-4.8.1-tpglq6h

# Launch MPI code
mpiexec champ-main/bin/vmc.mov1 -i vmc.inp