Installation on CCPGate ( Cluster
To build with mpiifort, load the required modules of the Intel Compiler and MPI:
module load compiler
module load compiler-rt
module load mkl
module load mpi
module load trexio/2.3.0-intel # Optional
module load python3 # Optional
Setup the build:
cmake -H. -Bbuild -DCMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER=mpiifort -DENABLE_TREXIO=yes
To run the code with Intel Compilers and MPI:
mpirun -np 24 champ/bin/vmc.mov1 -i input.inp -o output.out -e error
To build with gfortran:
Setup the build:
cmake -H. -Bbuild -DCMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER=/usr/bin/mpif90
which will use LAPACK & BLAS from the Ubuntu repository. (Cmake should find them already if none of the Intel MKL variables are set.) Combining gfortran with the Intel MKL is possible but requires special care to work with the compiler flag -mcmodel=large
To run the code on 60 processors:
mpirun -np 60 -machinefile "machinefile" -i input.inp -o output.out -e error